Aidi shock bark collar


Shock collar

Aidi or Atlas Sheepdog likely comes from the protection and herding dogs of Asia. In the first such dogs are meant to protect the huge flocks, in the second place to the herd graze. It has long been the dogs of this breed kept Bedouins - nomadic old. For them, the Aidi - perfect guard their temporary camps or villages.Shock collar

Atlas Shepherd - a reliable security guard, it impregnable, in a dangerous situation, responds instantly, leaving the enemy no chance. Currently purebred Aidi almost impossible to find. In the Atlas Mountains of these strong and ferocious dogs can literally be counted on one hand. Keep them, as a rule, nomads and shepherds.

Aidi - muscular and strong dog, independent, self. The dogs of this breed beautiful mind, they are very clever, have excellent response, they are inherent in the habits of wild dogs. Thick coat Aidi protects it not only from predators - jackals or lions, but also from the hot sun.

As a pet Aidi not work because it uncommunicative, loves solitude. Subdue the dog did not fully succeed ever. You should not start Aidi newcomer to the content of the dogs .

The breed standard FCI № 247:

General view. Very active and agile dog, strong, with a good response. Build a harmonious and strong, but with no signs of severity. A dense overgrown protects not only from the weather but also in fights with wild animals such as foxes and jackals. The expression of the muzzle lively, straightforward and resolute. Always ready for a fight. In some parts of Morocco decided to arrest the dog's ears and tail. However, the standard is undesirable.

Head. The shape of the "head of a bear." Conical. Proportional to the body. Stop is not expressed, smooth.

Skull. Flat and wide; sagittal crest is developed occipital crest is moderate.

Stop. Not emphasized, smooth.

The front part.
Nose. The wide, open nostrils. Black or brown, depending on coat color.

Muzzle. In the form of a cone, is a harmonious continuation of the skull. A little shorter than the skull in the ratio 5:6.

Jaw. Powerful. Teeth large, white. Prognathism invalid.

Lips. Dry, tight, black or brown, depending on coat color.

Eyes. Slanting. Medium size, dark brown, regardless of coat color. The eyelids are black or lighter, depending on the color of the coat. Look in his eyes alive, attentive and intelligent.

Ears. Medium size, with rounded coccyx. Semi-erect. Set high. When excited by the dog picks up his ears and send them forward in a calm state lowers pas neck.

Neck. Strong, muscular, without dewlap.

Corps. Line verha.Spina wide, moderately long, muscular. The loin is strong, muscular and slightly arched. The rump is raised.

Scapula. Slanting. Withers well defined.

Thorax. Sufficiently broad and deep to the elbow. The ribs are elastic.

Stomach. Picked up behind the false ribs, do not lean on.

Limb. The bones of the hind limbs are strong, muscular thighs, but not loaded, moderately straightened.

The angles of joints: the knee and hock stupid that will give the raised position of the sacrum and makes it higher than the withers. Dewclaws removed.

Paws. Rounded, resilient pads, claws strong, their color varies depending on the color of the coat.

Tail. Long, at least up to the hock. Set high, at the back. At rest the dog holds the tail lowered, lifts a little excited, but not above the level of the back. Long and thick hair on the tail forms a "pen", which is a sign of the dog breed.

COAT. Very dense, long, about 6 cm on the ears and muzzle hair is shorter and softer. On the neck and under the throat mane, especially in males. "Pants" and tail are covered with long hair.

Color. The most diverse: the colors of sand, fawn, white, blednokorichnevy, spotted, a combination of white and black, white and fawn with a black collar, with the tri-color collar, etc.; frequent combination of spots, which merge to form the saddle, with regular spots on the head and collar, tan, with a well-pigmented nose and lips, color Saint Bernard.

Growth. In the range of 52 to 62 cm

Any deviations from the descriptions should be seen as disadvantages.

Shortcomings. Eye of a bird of prey, short hair, tail, piled on one side, the absence of the tail "feathers", narrow muzzle, vertically-set ears.